Finding hope and healing

It’s a part of life, yet millions of people have trouble healing from physical/mental trauma and need a hand. It’s time to take a stand and provide a hand to those that need it.  Together, we CAN make a difference.

Expeditions to help trauma survivors have a better life.


The Paper Crane Foundation is committed to furthering the research and healing of people who have suffered a traumatic event in their life and are struggling to find their new “normal”.  We host a research finding expedition annually to accomplish three things: expand research into TBI and PTSD; increase awareness to the struggles normal Americans go through when trying to come back from traumatic events and reduce the stigma; empower people struggling with PTSD/TBI to find their new normal and continue to be contributing members of society. 

These expeditions will push the limits of each individual participating and hopefully inspire others to greater levels.

Learn About Our Mission

The mission of The Paper Crane Foundation is to advance understanding, research, healing, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of research, and the alleviation of trauma.


Inaugural Expedition

Our inaugural expedition will set the bar for years to come.  We will be hiking to Mt Everest Base Camp with seven Wounded Warriors, one researcher, and a videographer in October 2021. We will be studying the effects of altitude on TBI’s and documenting the expedition for a mini documentary to be released in 2022.  

Make a Difference

Do you want something more than a feel-good donation?  Do you want to know your money is going to further research and raise awareness to a number of adults and children?  Donate now to become a part of something bigger than ones self.